Friday, 17 May 2013

Nuclear Family by Sara Travis

“If they’re thinking they can threaten us with bombs, they got another thing comin’.” says Daddy from the top of the table. His pie sits untouched to the side of his plate, maps and papers covering the surface. 

I force the remnants of the rabbit pie from my teeth with a toothpick and lean over to get a better look.
“So, what are we gonna do, Daddy?” 

Daddy smiles so wide I can see the teeth at the back of his mouth, sparkling, pearly whites.
“We’re gonna act first, dammit. We’re gonna drop a nuke on their ass.”
Mama drops her cutlery to her plate with a clatter.
“Boys, for the last time – I don’t like you talking war at the dinner table. Joey, eat your greens.”

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