Monday, 27 May 2013

Family Man by Lesley Whyte

You’ll need to know everyone's names and a little bit about them, but you shouldn't mention any of what I’m about to tell you. You should just know it.

Her oldest brother, who spent four years in prison for drug offences. The two middle brothers are still there. The youngest has never been, but it's expected he'll go. This family regard prison time the way most families view college, and they're a legacy family.

Her sister, who married someone who was not approved of - he will never be mentioned, but the children will be around from time to time - and works as a teacher on the South Side.

Her aunt who lives on the farm and raises goats. Never mention the goats.

Her other aunt, the one who likes to get drunk and spill family secrets. That aunt's husband, who has lung cancer but still smokes forty a day because, at this point, what harm can it do.

Her uncle, who is kept away from the children. There's a story there that she's not telling me, but she insists he's not a danger. He just doesn't like children. Apparently.

Her mother, who will be kind and welcoming and then criticise me behind my back. Once we're married, she'll do it to my face. If I can win her over, we'll have a long and happy marriage. If I can't, well...she didn't answer me after that.

And then her father. The one that really scares me. The kind of man who sits at the head of a family like this. I feel like I've stepped into a gangster movie, and not a particularly good one. He claps me on the shoulder and pumps my hand up and down. "Welcome to the family, son!"

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