Friday, 18 May 2012

Liberty Blue by Emily Chadwick

The colour Mum chose for the walls is called ‘liberty blue’. I dunno why. Spose it’s meant to represent freedom or some shit?

It’s a living room. Doesn’t need to represent freedom or anything.

What’s wrong with fucking beige, Mum?

Blue is calming, apparently. But why some pretentious middle-class bullshit like ‘liberty blue’?

The name doesn’t matter, it’s a pretty colour.

Bullshit. Would you buy something called ‘shit brown’? Didn’t think so.

Liberty blue.

Sounds like something a celeb would call their kid, then we’d be stuck hearing about darling ‘Libby’ for years to come. Eventually, she’d go by blue, get hooked on cocaine, and we’d have a hundred pics of her falling out of nightclubs with her tits out.

Yep, that’s what you’re having on your wall, Mum. Drunken tits.

Liberty fucking blue.

Note - this one did not come in late. I managed to lose it in the inbox. Apologies to Emily.

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