Friday, 3 January 2014

Hook by Nick Trussler

Hook: A Short Play

The scene takes place on a pier. JAMES is trying to hold ELISE’S hand.

ELISE: Let me go you creep!

JAMES: God’s sake, Elise! I may have a hook for a hand, but is that all you care about, a piece of metal?

ELISE: It is when you’re trying to grab my hand with it!

ELISE lets out a piercing scream

JAMES: Oh god…it’s happened again!

ELISE: It’s gone through my hand!!!

JAMES: Well, you said lets hook up

ELISE: What?? Get me to a hospital you freak!

JAMES sighs and pulls his hook out of ELISE’s hand. She runs away crying.

JAMES walks to the end of the pier, holding his bloody hook with his other hand.

JAMES: Maybe I should just become a pirate and go and find a remote island, far far away but where somehow children have formed a stable island community, managing to survive and thrive in a place with very little natural resources and without bothering to hunt or farm…and no one ever ages though no one bothers to find out why, and I could vent my repressed sexual desires by having an irrational fear of crocodiles and an ineptitude when it comes to sword fighting and actual pirating…yes…that sounds like a plan…

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