Friday, 3 January 2014

Hook by Lesley Whyte

"Okay, so it's a love story. Boy meets girl and-"

"What's the hook?"

"Excuse me?"

"The hook, the USP. What makes your story different from the million other boy meets girl stories out there?"

"Oh, I see. Well, okay, yeah, so the boy's really smart. Headed for an Ivy League college, his parents have money, he's always had the best of everything. But the girl's poor, her parents have nothing and they've always had to scrape by."

"I know of ten books published this year with that exact story. You have to give me more."

"What if the girl had a rare blood disease? And he's working on a cure for it, and that's how they meet?"

"Eh, it's okay, but...well, the guy saving the girl? It's been done to death."

"So flip it."

"There's nothing sexy about a young guy with a rare blood disease."

"But it was fine when it was the girl? You know what, never mind. Not a blood disease. Maybe he's in a wheelchair or something? You never see heroes with disabilities, do you? That would be different."

"True. But maybe there's a reason for-"

"And maybe she could be black or hispanic, maybe. Just not white."

"A disabled male and a non-white female fall in love? I just don't see it. Maybe we should scale it back, stick to the boy meets girl. I'm sure someone somewhere will love it."

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